Tuesday, February 10, 2009

2 Month Check-up

We survived. Well, I survived I guess I should say. I promised myself I wouldn't break down and cry this time - I'm not that hormonal anymore. I was fine until Bob brought her back out to the waiting room and handed her over to me. I saw a tiny wet spot on his shirt from her tears. TEARS. REAL TEARS!!! My baby was crying real tears from getting those two nasty, traumatic shots in the leg. My world came crumbling down. I snatched her and just held on to her and we both cried as we walked out to the car. She quickly calmed down and actually started smiling again, but I continued the guilt-ridden water works the whole way home AGAIN.

Once we got home I fed her and she passed out for a couple of hours. She was pretty cranky for the rest of the night which was to be expected but we just gave her extra love (and some infant tylenol) and she was good. Today is much better, she is back to being my smiley little girl who likes to be held in a "standing" position. That's right, 10 weeks old and already wants to stand. Where did my tiny newborn go?????

Ava is doing great! She weighs 12 pounds, 3 ounces and is a whopping 24 inches long. She's going to by my tall & skinny supermodel. She also likes to talk quite a bit still and just cracks us up several times a day.

Ava is taking her first plane trip this weekend to Indiana to meet her 90 year-old great grandmother. Wish us luck with the trip, hopefully she will do just fine.

Ava is ten weeks old.


Anonymous said...

I can't believe that she is 10 weeks old already! Again, I can't say it enough she is super adorable!

Ashy said...

She's getting so big... I can't believe it!! She's adorable :D