Monday, June 15, 2009

Catching Up

I am such a slacker! I guess I figure that my readers are also my friends on Facebook so they always see the latest & greatest on there. If you're not, than I am most happy to update everyone on Ava's progress. Thanks to my good friend Steph for the kick-in-the-butt to get blogging.

Ava had her 6 month checkup last Friday and she continues to be "off the charts". She is 19.5 pounds and 28 inches. We are feeding her two to three solid meals per day along with her bottles. So far she's mostly had vegetables and banana oatmeal but we are now starting to introduce fruits. Luckily there's been no sign of allergies so we're all good there.

The sleeping at night has gotten a bit better, but she is still up every 4 hours to take a bottle. She loves flashy/loud toys and also loves to stand! She is 95% the way to sitting up on her own, and I think she might be crawling soon too. Those stubborn bottom teeth still are not through the surface so we're waiting on those as well.

Not much else to report - we are all doing very well and everyday is a gift with this precious little one in our lives :-)

Here she is going to town on a teething biscuit

At the Jimmy Buffet festival in Palm Harbor

1 comment:

Katie said...

OMG, she is so cute!!!! I JUST saw your comment on my blogspot blog - thanks so much for thinking of me/checking up on me! I actually hadn't posted since that post, but everything is fine :) I caught my new blog up today (5 months worth) and it is at :)